
Fostering a Compassionate Community through Socially Conscious Sheltering.

Every community should have a refuge that welcomes all animals in need. Public shelters should never reject animals they consider unadoptable or difficult to place.  Nor should they warehouse animals in cages indefinitely or give them away indiscriminately to anyone who will take them.  Animals should never be allowed to suffer and die unassisted and alone in order artificially raise live release rates. 

At its core, Socially Conscious Sheltering is about working in collaboration with partners and the community to support the individual needs of people and their pets. FOHAS aims to provide access to resources and services that improve the welfare of vulnerable animals in our community.

Tenants of a Socially Conscious Animal Shelter.

Tenants of the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare

Our measure of compassion is how we care for the voiceless and vulnerable, for in their welfare we find our humanity.